A Computer is an automatic
electronic, calculating device which can process a given input in a prescribed
manner to produce a desired output, at a very high speed with remarkable
accuracy. It can also perform all arithmetic and logical functions according to
instructions given in a systematic order to solve specific problem and produce
processed information.
of Computers
Since Computer is an
electronic machine and electrical pulses travel at the rate of passage of
electric current. This speed enables the computer to perform millions of
calculations per second.
A computer has too much
storage capacity. Once recorded, a piece of information can never be forgotten.
High Accuracy
A computer can be considered
as 100% accurate. Checking circuits are built directly into the computer, that
computer errors thatundetected are extremely rare.
Computer can perform any task,
provided it can be reduced to a series of logical steps.
· Decision Making Capability
Computer can take simple
decisions, such as less than, greater than or equal to. It also determines
whether a statement is true or false.
The physical components and other
attached input and output devices of computers are called Hardware. All
Hardware components may be connected mechanically, electrically or
electronically with each other. Hardware includes input/output devices, CPU,
backing storage devices and electronic circuit.
Computer required a number of
instructions to do tasks. The set of these instructions forms programs. Numbers
of programs are combined for some purposes are called software. They are
designed by manufactures and programmers.
of Software
1. System Software
2. Application Software
Ages of Computer
At the early age people used stones,
sticks, symbols and finger tips to count, which were later replaced by numbers.
The history of computing is divided into three ages during which man invented
and improved different types of calculating machines. These ages are,
Dark age - 300 BC to 1890
Middle age - 1890 AD to 1944
Modern age - since 1944 AD
Age (3000 BC to 1890 AD)
About 3000 years BC, Chinese
developed the first calculating machine named Abacus. Abacus consists of a
rectangular wooden frame having rods which carry round beads. Counting is done
by shifting the beads from one side to another.
In 1632 AD William Oughtred,
an English mathematician developed a slide rule. This device consists of two
movable rules placed side by side on which number were marked.
Blasé Pascal (1623-1662), a French developed the first mechanical
calculating machine in 1642. This machine consists of gears,wheels and dials.
It was capable of adding and subtracting operations.
In 1671, a German, Gottfried
Von Leibnitz (1646-1716) improved Pascal’s calculator to make it capable of
performing all maths operations.
Age (1890 AD TO 1944 AD)
In 1880s Herman Hollerith an
American developed a machine which used punch card system. The machine could
sense and punch holes, recognize the number and make required calculations.
This machine was first used in 1890s by American Census Bureau.
In 1937, Professor Howard
Aiken build the first electro-mechanical computer Mark-1, by trying to combine
Babbage’s theory and Hollerith’s punching technologies. He completed his
project in 1944 with the help of IBM Engineers. Mark 1 could multiply two,
twenty digit numbers in 5 seconds and made a lot of noise.
ABC a special purpose computer
was developed in 1938 by Dr. John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry at Iowa
State College,USA.
Ages (Since 1944 AD)
In 1945, Dr. John Von Neuman
suggested the concept of Automatic Data Processing (ADP) according to the
stored program and data.
Electronic Numerical
Integrator And Calculator (ENIAC) was the first electronic computer made in
1946 by John Presper Eckert andJohn Williams Mauchly, at the University of
Pennsylvania, USA. This was based on decimal number system and it has no
memory. It could perform 5000 additions or 350 multiplications in one second.
It contained 18000 vacuum tubes, 70,000 resistors, 10,000capacitors and 60,000
switches and occupied a two room car garage. It consumed 150 kW of power. It
weighed 27 tons.
Electronic Delay Storage
Automatic Computer (EDSAC) was first computer based on stored program concept.
It was completed by Mourice Wilkes at Cambridge University in 1949.
Electronic Discrete Variable
Automatic Computer (EDVAC) was built by John Williams Mauchly, John Presper
Eckert at MooreSchool, Pennsylvania in 1951.
Universal Automatic Computer
(UNIVAC) was the first commercially used computer made by John Presper Eckert
and JohnWilliams Mauchly in June 14, 1951.
of Computers According to Purpose
General Purpose Computers
General purpose computers are
designed to solve a large variety of problems. The different programs can be
used to solve many problems. Most digital computers are general purpose
computers and used in business and commercial data processing.
Special Purpose Computers
A computer designed for machine
control or process control would be different than a general purpose computer.
The special purpose computers are designed to solve specific problems. Most
analog computers are special purpose computers. These special purpose computers
are widely used in industrial robotics etc.
Types of Computers
Analog Computers
Analog computers are used to process
continuous data. Analog computers represent variables by physical quantities.
Thus these computers solve problem by translating physical conditions such as
flow, temperature, pressure, angular position or voltage into related
mechanical or electrical related circuits as an analog for the physical
phenomenon being investigated in general it is a computer which uses an
analog quantity and produces analog values as output. Thus an analog computer
measures continuously. Analog computers are very much speedy. They produce
their results very fast. But their results are approximately correct. All the
analog computers are special purpose computers.
Digital Computers
Digital computer represents physical
quantities with the help of digits or numbers. These numbers are used to
perform Arithmetic calculations and also make logical decision to reach a
conclusion, depending on, the data they receive from the user.
Hybrid Computers
Various specifically designed
computers are with both digital and analog characteristics combining the
advantages of analog and digital computers when working as a system. Hybrid
computers are being used extensively in process control system where it is necessary
to have a close representation with the physical world. The hybrid system
provides the good precision that can be attained with analog computers and the
greater control that is possible with digital computers, plus the ability to
accept the input data in either form.
of Computers According to Size
Super Computers
Large scientific and research
laboratories as well as the government organizations have extra ordinary demand
for processing data which required tremendous processing speed, memory and
other services which may not be provided with any other category to meet their
needs. Therefore very large computers used are called Super Computers. These
computers are extremely expensive and the speed is measured in billions of
instructions per seconds.
Main Frame Computers
The most expensive, largest and the
most quickest or speedy computer are called mainframe computers. These
computers are used in large companies, factories, organizations etc. the
mainframe computers are the most expensive computers They have several hundreds
of megabytes of primary storage and operate at a speed measured in nano second.
Mini Computers
Mini computers are smaller than
mainframes, both in size and other facilities such as speed, storage capacity
and other services. They are versatile that they can be fitted where ever they
are needed. Their speeds are rated between one and fifty million instructions
per second (MIPS). They have primary storage in hundred to three hundred
megabytes range with direct access storage device.
Micro Computers
These are the smallest range of
computers. They were introduced in the early 70’s having less storing space and
processing speed. Micro computers of todays are equivalent to the mini
computers of yesterday in terms of performing and processing. They are also called
“computer of a chip” because its entire circuitry is contained in one tiny
chip. The micro computers have a wide range of applications including uses
as portable computer that can be plugged into any wall.
Laptop Computers
The smallest computer in size has
been developed. This type of small computers look like an office brief case and
called "LAPTOP" computer. The laptops are also termed as
"PORTABLE COMPUTERS." Due to the small size and light weight, they
become popular among the computer users. The businessmen found laptop very
useful, during traveling and when they are far away from their desktop computers.
A typical laptop computer has all the facilities available in microcomputer.
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